At The Window (Poem)

At The Window (Poem)

At The Window

darkness has settled
I cannot help but think of her
a moonless night

The poem was written on December 31, 2023, and visualized using DALL-E and Microsoft Designer via Bing.

What suits the poem?

#0C090A (Onyx)

dark, quiet, reflective, melancholic, still, minimalistic, cold, deep, introspective, longing, solitary, somber, muted, wistful, silent, absent, bittersweet, distant, heavy, serene, nocturnal, ethereal, mysterious, tranquil

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From My Window (Poem)

From My Window (Poem)

From My Window

a moon
and a tree
and a night

Written on May 1st, 2024. Visualized by DALL-E and Microsoft Designer. It is an extremely simple poem, which, strangely enough, I am particularly fond of precisely because of its simplicity.

The trick of the poem is to make great things seem small—in this case, the night, which is only briefly mentioned at the very end as something incidental. Yet, in reality, it is fundamental. You have to see it yourself, ideally from your own window, on a special night. That’s the magic.

Adjectives That Best Fit the Poem

serene, quiet, still, calm, peaceful, tranquil, silent, ethereal, mysterious, dark, cool, distant, vast, endless, solitary, timeless, shadowy, soft, pale, delicate, reflective, dreamy, haunting, meditative.

Silent Observers: What Gazing Out the Window Teaches Us

When you gaze out of a window into the world, especially into nature and darkness, it changes your perspective compared to being outside yourself. This view from within creates a unique frame, a boundary between your inner sanctum and the vast expanse beyond.

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