Cuddling Outside (Heartbeat Verse)

Cuddling Outside (Heartbeat Verse)

Cuddling Outside

under the night’s soft cloak
you nestle close to me
as if you were the stars
scattered in the sky

Written on 17th January 2024. The feathered visualization is created by DALL-E and Microsoft Designer via Bing.

Prose Version

In the embrace of the night, we lie close together, wrapped in its protective cloak. You snuggle against me as if you were the twinkling stars in the sky. Your proximity makes me feel the vastness of the universe, as our bodies warm each other.

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To Make a Sky (Poem)

To Make a Sky (Poem)

To Make a Sky

you don’t need much
a curved moon
a few stars
a few more stars
and a blanket
let’s call it night

The text was written on June 6, 2024. Visualized using DALL-E and Microsoft Designer, with a few too many moons.

Associations with the Poem

dreams, vastness, tranquil, serene, mysterious, darkness, cosmic, twinkling, clear, mystical, soft, endless, soothing, infinite, distant, celestial, glittering, romantic, lonely, nocturnal, calm, comforting, dreamy, enchanting, serene, starry, protective, timeless, intimate

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Dream Feathers (Poem)

Dream Feathers (A Nameless Poem)

now and then
birds shed feathers in flight —
and just like that
we release our dreams
into the endless blue sky

The poem was created on August 10, 2024. The visualization based on the text comes from the cyber intelligences DALL-E and Microsoft Designer.

Dream Feathers is a metaphor comparing our dreams and hopes to the feathers that birds lose while flying. This poetic merging captures the essence of our life’s journey: just as birds naturally and often unnoticed shed their feathers, we humans, over time, let go of some of our dreams. Both happen, at times, involuntarily.

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The Birds (Poem)

The Birds (Poem)

at last it is night
to the stars you birds—now fly!
but they are long asleep

The poem was written on December 22, 2023. The accompanying images were created by DALL-E (AI).

This haiku-like poem skillfully plays with the contrast between human expectation and natural reality. The initial anticipation of the night and the enthusiastic call to the birds to fly to the stars collide with the simple truth that birds sleep at night. This contrast can be seen as a subtle critique of human hubris or as a reminder to accept the limits of our influence on nature.

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The Night’s Allure—Illuminating Poetry’s Timeless Muse

The Night's Allure—Illuminating Poetry's Timeless Muse

Have you ever wondered why the night enchants so many poets? As I read their verses, I often ponder why its gentle darkness ignites their imagination and makes words sparkle like stars in the sky. Let’s explore together what makes the night so special for those who create worlds with pen and paper.

When I immerse myself in nocturnal poetry, I sense that the night isn’t a gloomy figure, but a gentle friend of creativity. Through their words, I feel wrapped in its velvet cloak as it whispers: Now is your time. In the quiet, when the noise of day fades, we can finally hear our inner voice. Suddenly, ideas bubble up like springs that were hidden beneath the rocks of everyday life during daylight hours.

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